Monday, August 30, 2010

Things that make you go: What the Heck????

My last post I talked about trying to stay positive, well, that crap don’t work all the time! You will remember that we were frantically packing and trying to find a rental home. Well, the I talked to Tiffany & Bosco, law firm for our house, and they told me that we still might have a chance to keep our home. That Freddie Mac is now working with this 3rd party company and they were going to come to our house and try to work out a modification with us! Yeah!!! So, we stopped packing (didn’t unpacked, just stoped where we were) and waited to hear from this other company, only to find out 8 days later that Tiffany & Bosco is now telling us that Freddie Mac has changed their mind and the next communication we get will be them telling us about our relocation options. What a crock of crap!! I mean, this is a law firm! How do these people sleep at night? Needless to say we are getting back into the packing mode and resuming our search for a rental. Wish us luck!

Ok, I totally love David Zinczenko! He is the Eat This, Not That writer! I love his articles. I always learn something and since I have been losing weight I am always paying attention to articles like these. I absolutely had to share this one with you though. Scariest New Restaurant Foods Anyone looking to watch what they eat will totally appreciate this link.  I also have 2 of the Eat This, Not That books and I recommend those too.  I have the Kids guide and the Supermarket Guide.  Both well worth it.

Ok, one last thing before I go. I wanted to give the parenting award of the day to…..drumroll please…… 18-year-old Christy A. Smullen!!! Please go here to read the full story, but let me just say, she didn’t sound like she cared a whole lot that her child of 3 years old just shot a shotgun. Thank the Good Lord that no one was hurt!

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