Monday, August 16, 2010

Banks Suck - Polish Blunder

I can really relate to Amie’s story about the house. I’ve been dealing with US Bank for the last year trying to work out a trial modification to bring my payments down to where I can afford them, since losing my job about 2 years ago now. It’s insane. They really don’t have much incentive to work with the common person to keep them in their houses. It’s the run around for several months and then if you do work and you are trying, you usually end up out on your arse!
We aren’t the only ones. I know so many people struggling right now and even more who got into mortgages that didn’t have fixed APRs and are now dealing with a climbing payment that they can’t afford. The banks just don’t seem to care and I guess they’d rather have the house sit empty than give someone a break. It’s just ridiculous! On my street alone, there are 3 houses that have already been foreclosed on and in this market, they are going for $55k less than what I owe. The bank would rather auction my house for $80k less than I owe (and they might not even get that) than try to work something out with me, so that I can afford the payments. Go figure!

Anyhow.. On to a lighter note… I decided to paint my toe nails last night.. All by myself. For anyone who knows me, you know this is a large feat for me. Usually I go to have my pedicure done once a month and they do all the scrubbing and pampering and then they paint my nails a pretty shade of red or wine or sometimes burgundy. This time I went all out. First, I picked a teal color nail polish (for those of you who tease me because I never use colors that aren’t what I consider normal nail polish colors). I made sure I started with the base coat, applied two coats of the teal nail polish and then a top coat. I only had to fully remove the polish and start over twice on two different nails.
But let’s be honest here. It looks like I had a seizure while painting most of my nails and the other ones it looks like I sneezed while I was applying the polish! LOL. I cleaned it up ok, I guess, but now I have teal nail polish under my finger nails. =) To be honest, I probably could have done a better job by pouring the nail polish onto my toes and using the nail polish remover to get it off of my skin. LOL. Maybe next time I’ll stick to painting my daughter’s nails and teach her to paint mine?

Hope everyone has a great week. It’s only Monday and I’m already dreading the week!

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