Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Dating Game

So I have gone on 2 dates since this whole dating thing has started. Honestly one of them was a guy I knew from before (so that’s kinda cheating, I know…).

We’ll call guy 1 Bob. Bob is a nice guy, and we have been on 2 dates. The second date, he got, because I felt kinda bad for him and because everyone keeps telling me that I don’t give guys a chance. So in fairness I decided that maybe on the first date, I didn’t allow him a fair shot, because I had went out with a guy from around the block which I really had my sights set on (which I totally bailed on and is a story for another time). Anyhow, Bob and I went out to dinner this time. It was nice, he’s a nice guy. There just aren’t any sparks on my end. He’s a guy that I wouldn’t mind having for a friend, but nothing more. Sorry Bob! I feel even worse, because he keeps texting me and I can tell even he knows it but he’s trying real hard to deny it. I’m such a sissy and don’t want to hurt his feelings that I can’t just be honest and tell him the truth that I’m really not interested in a relationship with him. =( ARGGHH.

Guy #2, we’ll call Bill. Now he’s another story. Bill is a couple years younger than I am (I know, I’m a cougar! j/k). Honestly, it’s less than 2 years difference. He’s funny, we have LOTS in common, we like the same kind of things/activities, he’s cute in a teddy bear kind of way; he’s tall (and I like tall guys)… There are a lot of things that click with Bill. We have lots to talk about and even enjoy talking to each other. It seems to be mutual because we are evenly contacting one another. It doesn’t feel forced and I don’t feel that annoyance of having to respond only so I don’t hurt his feelings. Again, I’m not putting all of my eggs in one basket! I’m just feeling that there may be some potential here. There’s definitely some room for a couple more dates to get to know each other more. This is where being a single mom is a little tricky. I refuse to leave my daughter home alone at night, and school just started back up… So not dates on week nights. He usually works weekends. So this may be over before it starts…

See, the dating thing is no fun. No wonder I married my high school boyfriend. It was a no-brainer! LOL.. Which is what brought me to present day; 32 years old, single mom and dating. I wouldn’t really say again, because in high school, I don’t really think what we did would be considered dating? It was SO much easier than this! Argghh..

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