Monday, August 30, 2010

Weekend Update - Weeks gonna be busy

Spent an awesome weekend at the Colorado River with some of my cousins and their family. It would be nice if we could get the whole family out there (but probably very expensive too!). We just relaxed, spent the day by the river, let the kids play in the water. It was a great Saturday, finished up with BBQing back at the house. I’ll be honest, I was the first to pass out and I was out early! (I was the youngest cousin there does that still count?). Being used to getting up at the crack of dawn really plays havoc on the senses when you’re trying to party it up with the big dawgs. =) I’m used to going to bed early and getting up early. I stayed up late the night before and got up early that morning, then stayed out in the sun all day. By the time we got back to the trailer and ate, I was ready for bed! LOL and when I went and laid down, it only took seconds for me to pass out. Sorry Chris, I tried to get back up and play with the big boys and just almost fell back asleep in the chairs outside. =)

Well, my little one will be 13 in 5 days! Gosh I can’t believe time has passed by so quickly. It seems just like yesterday I was putting her hair in pig tails and buying her Bratz dolls for her birthday. Now it’s new $300 phones she wants and laptops. (I’ll be honest, I’d rather buy the Bratz doll. LOL)
Wednesday is an early release day, so I have to leave work early to get her and Hannah from school. Friday I work from home, but right after school, we leave to California for her Birthday celebration! It’s going to be a busy week! Lots to do!

Hope everyone has a great week!


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