Monday, September 20, 2010

If it’s not one thing it’s another

Sorry, it's been a while.  Lots going on with moving and all.  Crazy thing that both Amie and I moved about the same time, for the same reasons.  Darn Banks! Darn Economy! Darn Money! 
At least I know that we aren't the only ones.  I know so many people in the same boat as us.  Heck, they tried to sell my house for $120k less than I bought it for and nobody bought it!  If they would have just lowered the payments to the amount they tried to sell it for, life would have been easier on all involved.  Oh well, we love our new place, so I guess it all worked out for the best, right?

So for those of you who know me, you know that I’m always getting myself involved in one thing or another. The last 3 years, it was the PTO board (PTA for my Cali Friends) for Kirstyn’s school. Last year, I was the PTO Co-President and it was a huge task, because we didn’t have a Fund Raising Coordinator (which I was the previous 2 years) so really I did both. So this year, I decided to step down and take a break.

Yeah right! So this year, Kirstyn has a Washington DC trip that costs $1900. In order to see that she goes on this trip, I am organizing a Booster Club to help the kids fundraise for the trip. Of course this means that I’m getting into a whole lot of things, once again! Oh me, oh my, when will I ever learn? LOL

So for ideas on things to do we have family dinner nights at local restaurants/take out places, car washes, a swap meet and a concert. All should be fairly easy to coordinate and plan, right? We’ll see and I’ll keep you informed. First is to get approval from the powers that be that we can move forward with our ideas.

The fun starts here, Right?


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