Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday, Monday...

Well, another weekend has flown by.  I need a weekend rewind remote.  They go by way too fast.  Who decided in the first place that we needed to work 5 days a week???  I really want to go back in time and meet that person face to face and smack them! 

Shelby lost her first tooth last night.  She will be 5 October 13th, so I guess it's about time.  They were all in bed and I heard a lot of commotion.  I went in to their room (which all 3 of my girls now sleep in the same room since we have moved) and Shelby was in her bed and Mady (my 2 year old) had climbed into bed with her.  I asked Shelby what was going on as I was trying to tell Mady to get in her own bed.  Shelby looked at me and said "My tooth is gone!"  She was very upset by this.  When I really looked at her I could see the blood.  OK, so then I was very upset because I didn't know what was going on.  "What do you mean your tooth is gone?!?"  She said, "It just fell out!  I can't find it!"  So I grabbed Mady's feet to get her out of the bed and the tooth was stuck to the bottom of her foot.  I thought, OMG she kicked Shelby's tooth out!  "Found the tooth Shelby."  "I WANT TO SEE IT!!"  She was all panicked about it.  I told her to get up and go into my bathroom.  I put Mady back in her bed and went into the bathroom.  I looked in Shelby's mouth and it was bleeding pretty good.  I asked her what happened and she said that she was trying to pull the tag off of one of the new pillows we bought.  The tag with that little plastic thing attached and when she bit on it and pulled it popped her tooth out.  It must have already been loose and thank goodness it wasn't Mady that had kicked it out.  I calmed down at this point knowing that she was OK.  We went into the kitchen and I got some warm salt water to rinse her mouth out.  While she did that I went and got the Tooth Fairy Pillow.  We went back into her room, showed everyone the tooth and Shelby got back in bed.  Oh, she was so excited now.  The Tooth Fairy was going to bring her some money!  My only thought at that point was thank good the "Tooth Fairy" has cash tonight!  :)

I'm going to start going to the gym today.  I have 25 personal training sessions and I want my trainer to show me what I can do with the free weights.  After I have used my training sessions I am going to cancel my membership and work out at home.  I've gotta save money somehow.  I'm going to go three times a week and get familiar with the free weights.  After we get our check from moving out of the house (the cash for keys thing) we are going to go to the used sporting equipment store called Play it Again Sports and get what we need.  I'm kind of excited about working out again.  It's been a while, but this is something that I do want to do.  We'll see how it goes.  No Pain (there will be plenty of that tomorrow), No Gain!

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget to play the Tooth Fairy. You will love this cute "FREE" Tooth Fairy keepsake photo.
