Friday, March 4, 2011

Working Mom vs. Stay at Home Mom

So I’ve been back to work for a full week now (after my 4 month hiatus). At first it started out REALLY slow and boring, which for someone with ADHD, is a really bad thing. I didn’t have enough to do and the things that I was given to do were done in a very short amount of time. Yesterday was the first day that I felt truly back to work. (Other than the getting up early and getting ready every day in order to be at work by 7:30 and being stuck in a cubicle for 8 hours a day.) I finally had enough of the programs that I need to do my job, installed on my computer and I actually had some work to do. My boss had given me another project and the people I was waiting on for my first project, finally responded. Finally a busy day where I actually worked for most of the day! =)

As surprising as it is to me, you can only do so much internet surfing in a day without being totally bored out of your mind. (Most of the good sites are blocked anyway.)

I hear lots of people say that stay at home moms have it easy, the proverbial sitting on the couch eating bon-bons and watching soap operas is a total misnomer. I found much to do while I was not working. I didn’t sleep in ‘til noon, as I had to be up early and take my daughter to school. Granted, I usually didn’t take my shower until after I dropped her off, I was still up early. Then there’s the cleaning, the shopping, the errands and doctor appointments all before 2:30 when you have to race to the school and sit in line to pick up your child and then sit in chaos while everyone tries to leave the school at the same time. Kids running across the street (of course not in the crosswalk), parents zooming by in the school zone, busses stopping and putting out there little stop sign and holding up traffic and then the crossing guards. What should be a couple minute excursion turns into a 30+ minute war. Only to come home and have to feed your kid, take them to whatever practice’s they have and home from said practice. Then come home and make sure they start on their homework, and let’s be honest I don’t think I learned half the stuff my 8th grader is learning in school. Then the dinner and taking care of the animals. Finally winding down to go to sleep, only to start the whole process again the next day. Stay at home mom’s I salute you!

Now as a working mom, you still have a lot of the same duties (if not all) and let’s be honest there are some things that just wait until the weekend. But the plus side is that at least you pull in a paycheck. =)

Anyhow, time to get back to work. Have a great day everyone, it’s Friday!


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