Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Joys of a Deranged Teenager!

So as many of you know, I have a TEENAGER! She’s 13 going on 30! It is constant chaos and she’s not even here right now! I understand that the hormones are going nuts inside her body and maybe that causes her to do and say things she shouldn’t, but Dang, sometimes I just wanna throttle her! I just keep telling myself, go to your happy place, over and over. =)

I was never really close with my mom, as I was more of a daddy’s girl and I definitely didn’t tell him about things going on in my everyday life. But being a single mom, I’d like to think that she and I are pretty close. Not that we don’t have others to rely on, but we are usually together all the time (wanting it or not).

Our most recent argument is about boys. My daughter has a boyfriend (well had because they recently broke up). Anyhow, I was talking with a friend of mine (who is also her friend’s mom) and telling her about my daughter’s boyfriend. When we got in the car to leave our ‘play date’, my daughter was furious that I told her about her boyfriend. ??? As I tried to calm her down and tell her that I didn’t know it was a secret, she was still very angry with me for telling my friend. I told her I wouldn’t tell anyone else, her big secret and left it at that. I understand it can be a little embarrassing for a teenager to talk about her boyfriend, but Sheesh!

Well a couple weeks later, I walked into it again. Without mentioning her boyfriend, I asked her what it is that boyfriends and girlfriends do at her age. The problem was that I asked her while we were in the car with my best friend and we were talking about how times have changed. Now let me be the first to say, that I have definitely been up front to my daughter about how things work and am always an open book about answering her questions and telling her that she can come to me with any questions. I also made sure to tell her that if a girl is too embarrassed to talk about the big SEX topic, then she’s definitely not ready to do it. Anyhow, she was really ticked off and wouldn’t talk to me for the whole time we were with my friend, unless it was a one word answer and it was in a very annoyed and rude tone.

Of course when we got home that evening, she ranted and raved about me talking about her boyfriend again to my friends, even though neither of us said anything about said boyfriend. When I tried to point that out, she just got more upset. I just don’t understand what the big deal is. It’s not as if I was teasing her about him, or anything mischievous. I don’t get her or her annoyance at the whole subject. Which makes me wonder what is going on that she’s not telling me?

Aargh. I am totally hating this stage of the game in raising a girl!

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