Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday ... Woes.

So my company has instated a no-smoking policy at work. I’m not a smoker, but many of my friends/co-workers are. Basically they are no longer allowed to smoke on the work premises, or adjacent locations either. This has caused some people to quit smoking (at least while at work), but from what I see, the majority take longer breaks in order to leave the property. Some drive a little way down and smoke in another company’s parking lot, others just drive around the block.

One of my co-workers brought up that maybe the company saves money on their insurance policy by instituting a no smoking policy. But I wonder the amount of time that others take in order to get their fix, does it really even itself out? I guess some who are walking a short distance are getting exercise? But what other benefit does the company get from this?

On another note… Amie told me today that she read yesterday in Phoenix there were 7 pedestrians hit. Now while I think it’s great that some people are riding their bikes and walking now to help cut costs and some in order to try to save the planet, I have to say I’m not sure I’d want to do it.

You always have to fear that there is some driver out there not paying attention. I see it so many times, every day. I hear the argument that it’s mainly people on the phone, but I don’t agree with that. I think it’s usually the person who is in a hurry, or looking for something in their car, eating… Personally, I’m more aware of what’s going on around me when I’m on my phone. I don’t have to look at it to talk on it. The whole debate on hands free vs. holding your phone to talk on it… I don’t usually drive with my hands on 10 and 2. I usually only drive with one hand anyway. I’m not saying that everyone is adept at driving while talking on the phone, but I am saying that it’s not always the reason people have accidents. That would be like banning smoking because you have to use one of your hands to do that.

Pedestrians, beware… Many drivers just have too many things going on in their car, or in their brain and are not really paying attention to make sure you are not walking in their path. Don’t go by the thought that ‘pedestrians have the right of way’, because even though that might be the rule, it doesn’t mean that a couple ton vehicle will stop for you because you are right. What’s more important, being right about who was following the rules, or being alive, and whole?

Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday, Monday...

Well, another weekend has flown by.  I need a weekend rewind remote.  They go by way too fast.  Who decided in the first place that we needed to work 5 days a week???  I really want to go back in time and meet that person face to face and smack them! 

Shelby lost her first tooth last night.  She will be 5 October 13th, so I guess it's about time.  They were all in bed and I heard a lot of commotion.  I went in to their room (which all 3 of my girls now sleep in the same room since we have moved) and Shelby was in her bed and Mady (my 2 year old) had climbed into bed with her.  I asked Shelby what was going on as I was trying to tell Mady to get in her own bed.  Shelby looked at me and said "My tooth is gone!"  She was very upset by this.  When I really looked at her I could see the blood.  OK, so then I was very upset because I didn't know what was going on.  "What do you mean your tooth is gone?!?"  She said, "It just fell out!  I can't find it!"  So I grabbed Mady's feet to get her out of the bed and the tooth was stuck to the bottom of her foot.  I thought, OMG she kicked Shelby's tooth out!  "Found the tooth Shelby."  "I WANT TO SEE IT!!"  She was all panicked about it.  I told her to get up and go into my bathroom.  I put Mady back in her bed and went into the bathroom.  I looked in Shelby's mouth and it was bleeding pretty good.  I asked her what happened and she said that she was trying to pull the tag off of one of the new pillows we bought.  The tag with that little plastic thing attached and when she bit on it and pulled it popped her tooth out.  It must have already been loose and thank goodness it wasn't Mady that had kicked it out.  I calmed down at this point knowing that she was OK.  We went into the kitchen and I got some warm salt water to rinse her mouth out.  While she did that I went and got the Tooth Fairy Pillow.  We went back into her room, showed everyone the tooth and Shelby got back in bed.  Oh, she was so excited now.  The Tooth Fairy was going to bring her some money!  My only thought at that point was thank good the "Tooth Fairy" has cash tonight!  :)

I'm going to start going to the gym today.  I have 25 personal training sessions and I want my trainer to show me what I can do with the free weights.  After I have used my training sessions I am going to cancel my membership and work out at home.  I've gotta save money somehow.  I'm going to go three times a week and get familiar with the free weights.  After we get our check from moving out of the house (the cash for keys thing) we are going to go to the used sporting equipment store called Play it Again Sports and get what we need.  I'm kind of excited about working out again.  It's been a while, but this is something that I do want to do.  We'll see how it goes.  No Pain (there will be plenty of that tomorrow), No Gain!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Sorry I haven't been writing for a while.  I have been so busy trying to pack, move and then unpack just like Melissa.  What an ordeal!  I had pretty much forgotten how much crap I really have.  But, we are in our new place and now we just need to find a place for everything.  I think that is the hardest part, especially since our new house is about 400 square feet smaller.  Man, it's time to downsize!

On the other hand, my girls love the new house.  It was very exciting for them to move from their "stinky" old one to a new one.  I had to laugh at that.  And, me and my girls met my best friend 2 weekends ago so I could borrow some furniture movers from her.  One of my 4-year-olds said: "Guess what?  We are moving to a new house!"  My best friend: "I know!  Isn't that exciting?"  My 4-year-old: "Yes, and we are even going to bring Mady (my 2 year old) with us!"  Where do kids come up with this stuff?  I'm going to write that down and tell her about that when she gets older.  I hope she gets a kick out of it.  :)

Well, I really have to get to work now, but I will try my best to write more.  Hopefully now that we are in the new house things will calm down just a little.


Monday, September 20, 2010

If it’s not one thing it’s another

Sorry, it's been a while.  Lots going on with moving and all.  Crazy thing that both Amie and I moved about the same time, for the same reasons.  Darn Banks! Darn Economy! Darn Money! 
At least I know that we aren't the only ones.  I know so many people in the same boat as us.  Heck, they tried to sell my house for $120k less than I bought it for and nobody bought it!  If they would have just lowered the payments to the amount they tried to sell it for, life would have been easier on all involved.  Oh well, we love our new place, so I guess it all worked out for the best, right?

So for those of you who know me, you know that I’m always getting myself involved in one thing or another. The last 3 years, it was the PTO board (PTA for my Cali Friends) for Kirstyn’s school. Last year, I was the PTO Co-President and it was a huge task, because we didn’t have a Fund Raising Coordinator (which I was the previous 2 years) so really I did both. So this year, I decided to step down and take a break.

Yeah right! So this year, Kirstyn has a Washington DC trip that costs $1900. In order to see that she goes on this trip, I am organizing a Booster Club to help the kids fundraise for the trip. Of course this means that I’m getting into a whole lot of things, once again! Oh me, oh my, when will I ever learn? LOL

So for ideas on things to do we have family dinner nights at local restaurants/take out places, car washes, a swap meet and a concert. All should be fairly easy to coordinate and plan, right? We’ll see and I’ll keep you informed. First is to get approval from the powers that be that we can move forward with our ideas.

The fun starts here, Right?


Monday, September 13, 2010


Ok, so I have to say, that I am probably one of the biggest procrastinators that I know. If I can procrastinate on something, I will. Does anyone else have this problem? It really doesn’t matter what it is.. I will procrastinate until the very last minute for whatever it is!
It really drives me nuts that I do this, but I do it every time! You would think that after the first few times I would actually start doing things before the last darn minute, but NO! Go figure!

So this weekend, I went to the movies with my daughter (love finding movie tickets I forgot we had!). We went and saw the movie Inception. It was actually a pretty good movie. It had to do with the whole Matrix type of thing, are we really living in this world, etc. But the movie itself was pretty good. I have to say, Leonardo Dicaprio is a pretty good actor. Another thing I really like about him, is he pretty much stays out of the spot light. You really don’t hear about him doing anything totally out of the ordinary. (like hiring hookers, etc.) I’m sure he does his share of crazy stuff, but he keeps it on the down low.)

Well that’s it for now. Lots of work to get done, as I said before I’ve been procrastinating. LOL. More later!


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back from vacation - Drama

So this weekend was the big birthday bonanza for my daughter. Long 6 hour drive to and from California from Arizona. For the most part it wasn’t too bad, except for my daughter being a little mouthy and me forgetting to bring the tub of stuff which included the clothing of one of the girls, which led to me having to buy clothes and other necessities for her, but other than that. Not too horrible. LOL
Disneyland was ok. Didn’t go on as many rides as they would have liked to have gone on. The World of Color show was pretty cool, we lined up almost 2 hours before the show and still didn’t get front row seats, so the kids still missed some the stuff lower to the water and unfortunately, we were right behind a pillar, which impeded some of our view too, but it was still worth it (I thought anyhow). Next time though, I would spend the money to buy the dinner tickets and get the good seats, instead of doing Goofy’s Kitchen in the morning.
I have to ask… Why do your kids have to act up, when you are doing something nice for them? And when there are a million people around? I’m telling you, Kirstyn was in top form this weekend. To say that she is on restriction is an understatement. I’m actually cutting out her singing and piano lessons for a month for her acting up. Maybe longer, because she has to earn them back. I’m tired of the attitude. 13 or not, it’s time to shape up that ‘tude and realize that you have to earn respect to be given it!
I have been talking with some of my other mommy friends and we thought we should institute a 6 month trade program, since other people’s kids always seem to behave when they are with you. So we will switch kids every six months, so they will behave well. =) Think it will work?


Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day Laziness

I took off Thursday and Friday to give me a 5 day weekend over the Labor Day Weekend.  All this has accomplished is that I really don't want to go back to work.  :(  I really don't mind my job, it's just that I like being home more.  And let's face it, who wouldn't want to quit working and do whatever they wanted to.  I just need the money to be able to do that, and with the way the economy is going (and the money I have lost in my 401) I feel like I will never be able to retire. 

This weekend has been ok.  I don't feel like I got done what I wanted to get done, or do what I wanted to do.  I did get to read some, and that was nice.  I miss reading a lot.  With 3 small children there isn't a whole lot of time to do what you want to do.  I am already looking forward to the time I am taking off in October around my birthday.  A whole week!  I can't wait!

I don't feel like me and my hubby are getting along very well right now.  I'm hoping it's just the stress of trying to find a place to move to and then the inevitable move.  I will be glad when we find something and get the process started.  Right now with the not knowing what is going to happen, I can feel the pressure and it's very uncomfortable.  So, this stresses both of us (because he did tell me he can feel the pressure too) and we aren't getting along.  It's kinda sad really.  You would think this would bring us closer together, but it really doesn't.  He said that he wouldn't have a problem with me looking for a rental by myself.  This puts added pressure on me.  I looked for the houses and sent them to my realtor friend so that we could see them and when my hubby wound up going with me, he didn't like the area around all but 1 of them.  If he had been more involved when I was looking online, that wouldn't have happened.  I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle and it's a little depressing.

I have to keep telling myself that this too shall pass.  I must remain positive.  So, here I am spilling into my blog instead of fighting about it with my hubby.  I hope I'm making the right decision.  Mainly because I'm so tired of fighting. 

Hope everyone has a great week!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Today is one of those days where I feel like telling everyone to go to He double hockey sticks

I am having one of those days where everyone is pissing me off. It really wouldn't take much, but I'll be honest, my day really started off pretty crappy.

My boss moved my seat to one that is at the front of the rows, which means everyone walks past my desk. (I'm ADD, so I HAVE to look when someone walks by!) and it seems that my desk is the magnet for the loudest people in the whole damn place! Our loudest employee sits 3 desks back, and fortunately he's on vacation, but I am sure that will drive me nuts when he gets back.

AAaarrgghh. I know this is going to drive me absolutely nuts. I'm wearing my headphones (the ones that cover my entire head) and I can still hear the lady in the office next to my desk. Because they built these 'soft offices' for people that don't even go all the way to the ceiling and they have cubicle walls. But the people inside of them don't seem to realize that they don't really have an office, they have a cubicle with a door on it. I'm going to go insane! honestly insane! No amount of crazy pills can keep me from going nuts. LOL.

The weekend is getting closer and Kirstyn's bday is closer. Maybe my hearing will go as I keep feeling like I am getting older and older by the second. lol. I still can't believe she'll be 13.

Kinda bummed that we didn't get a new car last night, but glad that I didn't jump into a new car just because I wanted a new car. Hopefully we'll have something new before the weekend. we'll see. Happy hump day everyone!

~Manic Miss