Why is it we obsess about the things that we can't have, even if it's just for a little while? Case and point, I'm on a diet. The diet is, so far, working very well. I'm seeing a doctor and I started January 25, 2010. So far I have lost about 95 pounds. My diet is a very low calorie intake diet. I'm on the diet for 4 months then I come off for a 21 day break and then repeat until I hit my goal weight. So, I had my first break in June. It was a very nice break. Going back on the diet this time round has been pretty hard. I'm still losing weight but at a much slower pace than the first round and it is frustrating to me. I have 3 more months until my next break and all I can think about is food. It is my new obsession. I never used to think about food the way I do now. What is that about? I need to not obsess because I don't want to gain all the weight back once I'm done. I have to keep reminding myself that this is only temporary and once I'm done I can have the things I want, just in moderation. Man, this really is harder than I thought it would be.
Another one of my obsessions is time. There is never enough of it. If I'm not at work then I am at home trying to raise 3 girls and me a wife. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't give up my family for anything and can't give up my job because of the money, but I wish there was a little time in there just for me. Yes, my hubby let's me sleep late on the weekends (which is wonderful), and I do get to steal moments to do things like this, but I wish I could string more of the moments together. I love to read and only do that a few paragraphs at a time. I don't want to ignore my responsibilities or not do something I'm supposed to. I need to learn to prioritize things that are important in my life. Obviously family and work, but I need to fit just things for me in there somewhere. I need to work on this. Any suggestions would be welcome.
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