Thursday, July 29, 2010

Milestones and Forgiveness vs. Permission

Yesterday I hit a milestone for me.  I have lost 101 pounds so far on my diet!  I was very excited when I stepped on the scale yesterday morning.  It has been a very hard journey, but I am so happy that it totally makes up for the hard parts.  Yay me!

OK, I know that I have done this (although I think I can honestly say I try not to because it isn't fair to my hubby) and I'm pretty sure that you have too.  You go do something without "asking for permission" (not that we really have to ask, but saying something to our significant other would probably have been a better choice) so now you ask for forgiveness (because you should have said something to begin with and your spouses feeling are hurt).  Knowing that I have done it doesn't make it right and having it done to me really sucks!  Last night my hubby was on his way home and it started raining really bad.  He called a friend and he said to stop on by and wait the weather out so my hubby did.  Did it ever cross my hubby's mind to give me a call, text, anything?  Nope.  Bad storm and all.  I got tired of waiting and went to bed.  I figured if something happened to him that I would get a phone call eventually.  I was tired and have to get up early for work.  When my alarm clock went off this morning, low and behold, there he was in bed with me.  I got up, went into the kitchen and made up both a cup of coffee and checked my phone.  He had written me a text at 9:38 saying he was sorry, had stopped at a friends and is now on his way home.  He had gotten there about 8:10 and I went to bed at 8:45 or so.  He was really sorry this morning and I said, you know, you should have let me know at 8:10 so I would have at least known he was OK.  Oh, I know, I know, came his reply.  Well, if you know then why don't you do it???  It really hurts my feelings that I wasn't even a thought to him until after he had done what he wanted to do.  And, he knows me, so he knew that I would have already been in bed by the time he sent the text.  I am so irritated!

Another thing.  I really don't want this to be a political blog, but I have to throw my 2 cents worth out there over SB1070 (Arizona's New Immigration Law).  I live in Arizona.  I have lived here for about 15 years or so.  I have absolutely no problem with immigrants coming here and making a living going through the proper channels.  As a matter of fact, I have a couple of friends that are here on work visa's.  They are doing it the right way and they are also in the process of becoming citizen's.  What I do have a problem with is someone "hoping the fence" and setting up camp.  I wouldn't allow a stranger to hop my fence and set up camp in my backyard, so why should the United States of America do this?  I do not understand why this concept is so hard for some people to understand.  The news media was showing people who are against SB1070 picketing in downtown, holding signs that read "We Have Rights".  NO YOU DON'T!  If you are here illegally, you don't have any rights!  I am just perplexed by this whole situation.  If any of us went to another country and refused to leave they would forcefully make us leave.  Why can't we do that?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Is it just a girl thing?

So this morning, as I was getting ready for work, I was trying to find something to wear.. Now I do know some guys who take longer to get ready than I do, but I have always been a tom-boy, so I don't generally take time to do the make-up and hair and what not. But since I have lost over 65 lbs lets just say that I have lots of clothes that don't fit and find a self confidence that has me putting a little more effort into my appearance.
Anyhow, I have had this pair of jeans in my closet that I bought on sale, that were a couple (that's putting it nicely) sizes too small. God only knows how long ago. They were my 'inspiration jeans'. Not necessarily the size I want to be, but a 'stepping stone' to lose weight. Anyhow, these jeans have just sat in my closet for a very long time. I am talking years! As I put on my other jeans this morning and grabbed my belt, since they are too big (and I refuse to buy more until I lose some more or stay at this size for a while) I saw the jeans just hanging there and decided why not try them on.
Expecting disappointment, I took them off the hanger, started sliding them them up my hips. I'll admit, I almost stopped at one point, when they seemed like they might be a little snug when I got to my hips (as I have been wearing pants about 2 sizes big for the last month and a half). They slid into place. Still skeptical that I could actually zip them up, I started the zipper up the track, only to find that it slid into place smoothly!
My day has started off GREAT! I will be in a great mood (at least until someone pisses me off). I feel an amazing amount of confidence in myself.
Is this just a girl thing to buy a pair of pants or outfit as inspiration to lose weight? I'll be honest, until they fit, for the most part, they really annoyed me and got pushed into the back of the closet really quickly! But today, it really made my day!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Just not enough to go around...

Reading Amie's post, I find myself thinking... There's just not enough.. Not enough time, not enough money, not enough of ourselves to go around. I'm sure we are not the only ones with these problems. Whether you are a single mom, or a married wife, or a single lady, or a married lady without kids, there's just so many things in a day to do so many responsibilites and never enough time to get it all done. I'm sure guys have the same issues, but being a woman, I definitely can't understand.
Is that we as women obsess over the things we can't get done, or want to get done, that aren't getting done? Who knows? Right now, I can assure you, there are a million thing I should be doing other than this, but this seems much more interesting right now. =)

Ok.. on to my dating experience..
So, I'm single.. and I'm dating.. I went on a first date last night, which went well. But I'm not an avid dater, well I haven't been in the past, but like Amie, I've lost quite a bit of weight recently and have gained a lot of self confidence (which seems to have guys asking me out more often, who knew confidence was the key?). Before the date was even over, he was asking about a next date. He's a nice guy, but I'm not sure if there are any sparks there.. So do I go again or let it go?
There was a guy from around the block that had asked me out about 2 weeks ago, we had went on a date before my daughter came home, but I accidently stood him up after my daughter came home (again see the first part of the post) and then had to cancel the rescheduled date. He seems kinda respondent now. I think that ship has sailed. =( I think Dating sucks. =(



Why is it we obsess about the things that we can't have, even if it's just for a little while? Case and point, I'm on a diet. The diet is, so far, working very well. I'm seeing a doctor and I started January 25, 2010. So far I have lost about 95 pounds. My diet is a very low calorie intake diet. I'm on the diet for 4 months then I come off for a 21 day break and then repeat until I hit my goal weight. So, I had my first break in June. It was a very nice break. Going back on the diet this time round has been pretty hard. I'm still losing weight but at a much slower pace than the first round and it is frustrating to me. I have 3 more months until my next break and all I can think about is food. It is my new obsession. I never used to think about food the way I do now. What is that about? I need to not obsess because I don't want to gain all the weight back once I'm done. I have to keep reminding myself that this is only temporary and once I'm done I can have the things I want, just in moderation. Man, this really is harder than I thought it would be.

Another one of my obsessions is time. There is never enough of it. If I'm not at work then I am at home trying to raise 3 girls and me a wife. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't give up my family for anything and can't give up my job because of the money, but I wish there was a little time in there just for me. Yes, my hubby let's me sleep late on the weekends (which is wonderful), and I do get to steal moments to do things like this, but I wish I could string more of the moments together. I love to read and only do that a few paragraphs at a time. I don't want to ignore my responsibilities or not do something I'm supposed to. I need to learn to prioritize things that are important in my life. Obviously family and work, but I need to fit just things for me in there somewhere. I need to work on this. Any suggestions would be welcome.

Friday, July 23, 2010


What is love? What do we really want from our spouse? Is it to understand them or to be understood? I've been married now for 12 years and still don't think I have this figured out yet. My hubby and I were talking this evening and I was telling him that I want him to be more romantic. I'm afraid that this is an unrealistic goal because it just isn't who he is. Am I supposed to be ok with this? I guess so. I know that I don't want him to do it because I ask him to. I don't want him to resent me. I want him to do it because that what he wants to do. But, now that I've brought it up, again,if something changes, is he doing it because he wants to or because I guilted him into it? Oh the complexities of marriage.

In the news today I saw that our nation is 1.47 (I think that was the number) trillion dollars in debt! A trillion! That's 1000 billion! I mean, I sit and dream about winning the lottery when it's a couple of million. We the people have not seen any of this trillion dollar debt. I sure know I haven't. I'm still fighting with my bank (it's been 15 months now) to get a home loan modification. The banks got a bail out. When will the people get a bail out? Something has to give in this economy. It's terrible for a lot of people. And yes, I am a little bitter about the runaround I keep getting with the bank. I mean, come on and just give me the permanent modification instead of keeping me hanging on with my "trial modification". I am beginning to think there will be no good outcome and I am going to lose my home anyway. Hey, Mr. President, help the little people stay in their homes like you said you would.

Ok, enough ranting for now. Everyone have a good night!

No, you don't know...

So, a friend of mine is going through a rough spot right now and I continually hear people telling her that they 'understand what she's going through'. 'They've been there before'. 'They know how she feels.'
While I can totally understand and empathize with people wanting to be there for her and showing their support and care for her, it annoys me that they continually try to tell her that they know what she's going through. With the situation such as it is, they can't! (I can't give details, as it would definitely identify my friend, I can give an example.) I'm a single mother, my parents like to tell me that they know what I'm going through with raising my daughter who is VERY head strung and opionionated (wonder where she gets that from). While I know they have a little bit of understanding (they raised me), but they can't understand completely, because they raised me together and I'm doing this on my own and it's a totally different experience.
Another example, someone who's always had money can't understand how it is to have always gone without. It's just impossible, even if that person is to lose all their money, they will learn the loss of the money, but will never understood what it was to have never had it to begin with.
It is good to care for your friends and family. It is even better to be there for them. But a word to the wise.. You don't have to understand them to do either of those things for them. Listen to them, be a shoulder to cry on for them, help them if you can. But don't tell them you know what they are going through, unless you have had the EXACT same experience. If you were 20 and they are 25, it's different. Believe me.. It is. It is a similar experience, but not the same. you can understand they are going through a tough time, but everyone is made differently.
I say this, as I am often the one people come to with their problems and more often than not it is because they just want someone to listen to THEIR story, not tell them about the experience they had. Just sayin..

Manic Miss

Thursday, July 22, 2010

My Turn, My Turn!

Hello All! I'm Melissa. I guess I'll start off by commenting on Amie's post, since this blog was all her idea. Please be forewarned, I am the smart-Alec (90%-98%) of the time. =)
As to the story on parents poisoning their children as punishments, that's down right hideous! People are so stupid. A thought for the ignorant people: if you give your children laxatives, (those are the things that make them go poopy) chances are you are going to have to clean up after them at some point. Personally, that's not something I would look forward to.
I have my own child, who is going on 13 very soon, but even at a younger age I would not say that cleaning up those messes were brighter memories of her growing up. Please save the anti-depressants, pain relievers and sleep aids for yourselves, because apparently you are the ones with the problems.
I completely understand that raising kids is an enormous task. I know that I never could have imagined it would have been this hard, but I would NEVER stoop to going as far as poisoning my daughter! If you decide you can't handle it anymore, there are SO many outlets and so many people out there willing to help, or even wanting to help. So many families that want children that can't have children. Do everyone a favor, do the right thing. Ask for help!

On Amie's lighter note.. =) (So I can cheer up darn it!)
I'm a total movie buff, so I've heard of most of these names. (Did I mention that I'm a single mom? So I have lots of time to watch TV/Movies.)
Tenley I haven't heard too much recently, but it was in the movie Summer Catch (Jessica Biel), and Sookie (DUH! HBO-True Blood), Ursula (I feel sorry for the little girls with this name) but I think of The Little Mermaid, Ever is in the new Vampire book series called Evernight. The others, I have no idea.
On the side of the boys Castiel is a guy on the show Supernatural, Lucian (King of the Lycans) is from the movie Underworld, Amie is right Zion is from Matrix, Kaiden is Will Smith's son who is now acting (Karate Kid remake), Sterling Knight is a Disney Channel star.
The lists go on and on but lets be honest the names that people choose for their children get more far fetched every day. It used to be that you could look at a name on a list and say, "Oh, that's a typo." Now it's more likely that it's spelled correctly.
These strange new names range from people stringing letters together to form sounds they say is a name to others picking normal every day words and saying it's what they want their child's name to be. Then you have those who take a name and change the spelling of it to make it 'unique' only to leave the person reading it wondering if it is a. misspelled, b. pronounced differently or c. just a parent trying to be difficult. (LIKE ME who blames it on the epidural) lol. But my ultimate favorites are the parents who using their kids as billboard ads when naming them. See below if you don't believe me!
Let me give you a few examples (I got these off a list):
Diabolos (doesn't that mean devil?), Demontay, Goar, Kal-El, Pilot Inspektor, Apple, Coco, Fifi Trixibelle, Kyd, Destry, Memphis Eve, Ocean, Rocket, Audio Science, Sunday Sunshine, Moxie Crimefighter, Moon Unit, Diva Thin Muffin, Jermajesty, Urhines Kendall Icy Eight Special K, GoldenPalaceDotCom Silverman, Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116 (Pronounced "albin"), Nicholas Unless-Jesus-Christ-Had-Died-For-Thee-Thou-Hadst-Been-Damned Barbon, God Shammgod, Batman Bin Suparman, Ciamohe (Kiva), A'lyvya (Olivia), Disstinee (Destiny), Brittnii (Britany), Ja'aimee (Jamie), Jewlea (Julia) well you get the picture.. (**on a side note spellcheck had a field day with this paragraph.)
In all honesty, I don't mind the use of uncommon names. I do however think it's a little ridiculous to go overboard. I think that parents should think a little when they are naming their children, that when their child does go to school, they will be with other children and other kids are just down right MEAN! If there is anyway to make their child's name rhyme with something bad or anyway to make fun of it, no matter who their parents are, these kids will probably use it, if the kid is in any way unable to hold their own. This doesn't mean your kid has to be goofy looking, or poor, or fat, or too skinny, or dumb. This just has to mean that your kid has to get on the wrong side, or on the jealous side of one kid who's mean enough or has friends mean enough to pick on them. Parents.. Remember that. And remember to teach your kids to not only stand up for themselves and others, but also not to one of the bullies that likes to pick on the other kids.
OK.. enough 'Mommy Talk' Enjoy the rest of your day, while I go pick up my monster from music lessons!

I think I need a handle something like Manic Miss or Melodramatic Maven?? Hmmm...

And the Blogging Begins!

Good Afternoon! Here is my first perplexing thought. I just read an article where more and more parents are using over-the-counter medications to “punish” their children. For instance, this man poisened his 3-year-old-son and 18-month-old daughter by feeding them canned soup laced with hot peppers and lighter fluid and later with prescription antidepressants in 2006. He was sentenced to 100 years in prison last year, according to news reports. Other forms of abuse in this article were laxatives, anti-depresants, pain relievers and sleep aids. Really? Who thinks up this stuff? The laxative one really throws me for a loop! I can’t even fathom the thought and yet people are out there doing these kinds of things to their children. I just don’t get it. I have 3 children of my own, 4 ½ year-old twin girls and a 2 year old. I know I’m not the most perfect mommy, I get upset when they don’t listen, yell when I probably shouldn’t, things like that. But come on, laxatives and lighter fluid? Sick!

On a lighter note, baby names. This is the fastest rising names list from Babyname Wizard. For the girls: Tenley (never heard of that one), Sookie(poor thing), Ursula(watched the show Friends too much), Mhairi and Maelle(not sure how to pronounce), Ever(Why?) and Lux(Isn’t that from Superman? Oh wait, that was Lex. Still too close for a girls name).

1. Tenley
2. Harper
3. Everleigh
4. Martina
5. Sookie
6. Navi
7. Charlotte
8. Eloise
9. Lorelai
10. Ursula
11. Briella
12. Kinley
13. Tinsley
14. Mhairi
15. Leighton
16. Maelle
17. Ever
18. Kinsley
19. Lux
20. Everly

For the boys: Castiel(doesn’t even sound like a name), Eoin(from an elf in Lord of the Rings maybe), Aarav(???), Zion(I know what it means, but all I can think of is Matrix), St. John(Really? A St. already? You don’t have other children), Dashiell(I just don’t get this one).

1. Castiel
2. Bentley
3. Eoin
4. Easton
5. Lucian
6. Aarav
7. Zion
8. St. John
9. Kaiden
10. Sterling
11. Callan
12. Leland
13. Harper
14. Mikah
15. Dashiell
16. Eliah
17. Dawson
18. Kayden
19. Lennon
20. Dorian

I get that parents want their little ones to have names that stand out (I did), but what are some of these parent’s thinking? Not only are some of these names going to make their kids stand out, they will be an outcast. Don’t be cruel to your children, different is ok as long as it isn’t so different that people give your kids “the look” when they introduce themselves.

Stay tuned for more….