Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mean Kids

Kids can be so mean sometimes! My daughter started a new school after winter break. At first it was great! She made new friends and even got a new boyfriend (which I was not all that excited about, since she’s only 13). The new boyfriend thing didn’t last too long and since she’s the one who broke up with him, she was the one who received the backlash. She didn’t want to tell me that she was being taunted, but finally broke down and told me some of the mean things that some of these kids were saying to her. I know that kids can be mean and cruel, but some of these things are totally uncalled for and they weren’t coming from the kid she broke up with, but from his friends.

I have a child who totally loved school, thrives at school and gets good grades. Now she hates going to school. When I told my mother that my answer to the problem is to move her back to her old school, my mother’s response is that I’m teaching her to run from her problems. I don’t think that’s the case. I know that she can be happy at her old school and she can thrive there. Why make her suffer the last month of the year when she can be a good student? Even though my mother dislike’s my choice, she’s my daughter and I think I have to do what I think is best for her in this situation and that is moving her back. Next year she will be going to a new school again, to high school and may have the same problems arise, but I doubt that will be the case. I think the atmosphere here is different than it is out there. Maybe I am wrong? Only time will tell.

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